


and grow

Build wealth through investments, diversify your income, and take control your future

This six week mentorship is for you if you have cash and you have the goal to get working for you.

You might have accumulated saved income, had business success, inherited money, sold a house or had a life circumstance that means becoming a confident investor is a priority.

This is tailored financial education and guidance is for the woman who is ready to learn how to invest with confidence and start seeing a return so they can create their dream life with more freedom and more options.



If investing feels scary, you’re not alone.

Only 23%* of women feel really confident about where they’re putting their cash. The information out there about investing is overwhelming, conflicting and usually doesn’t take your values or the planet into consideration.

an alternative to financial advice

A space to have big conversations

Right now…

  • You have at least £30k cash in savings that you want to invest but you’re stuck and overwhelmed about what to do with it

  • You’re curious about the stock market and building wealth but you don’t know where to start and you’re afraid of making a mistake

  • You love freedom and flexibility and might be interested in finding a way to build wealth without home ownership so you can remain location independent

  • You want to have the financial understanding to be able to make decisions about whether to purchase a home for you to live in, invest the cash instead or plan for home ownership in the future

  • You’re looking to build you financial education so you can make confident decisions about your wealth now and for your future

Inside the Wealth Mentorship, you’ll be able to…

  • Build your financial education and make confident money decisions

  • Start earning a return on your savings and watch your money grow

  • Use your wealth to expand your options and be able to change careers, build a business or take take time off

  • Be able to finally feel safe with your finances knowing your future self has been taken care of


Your money mentor.

I’m Hannah and I’ve finally figured out how to invest in the right assets for me, in the right amounts.

Practically I’ve learnt how to understand the way markets work, economic cycles, advantages and disadvantages of different asset classes and how to blend all that to feel confident in making big financial decisions to grow my wealth and live the life I really want to.

Emotionally, I’ve learnt how to go from growing up in a single parent household to managing money that came from losing a parent. All in a world when women are still relatively new to money with many taboos and stories around it.

Feeling confident enough in my investments and getting money working for me has given me the opportunity to shift from a corporate office career to being location independent and starting a business without so much uncertainty.

I've been able to move to Lisbon and I frequently have 'pinch me' moments that I'm living a life that I probably wouldn't have been able to dream of in the past.

Money is a tool to create the life you want - not simply something to be optimised for the best financial returns (although that's important too!)

This space is where we will get deeply practical and strategic and you will learn how to invest with confidence and without sacrificing your values. We crunch the numbers but there is also the coaching space for dreaming and envisioning the life you want to create.

If I had the kind of knowledge, confidence, and mentorship that I provide in the early stages of my wealth journey my net worth would be significantly higher right now.

Time spent NOT taking action can be costly.

In this mentorship I share everything that I know so that you can take confident action right away and shorten the timelines.


…No checking graphs or trading crypto daily required

I help you use simple strategies that help you spend as little time as possible on the management of your investments so you can focus on growing your businesses, impact and enjoying a lot of time for yourself and with your loved ones

I will help you create assets that pass these three standards below:

ETHICAL STANDARDS - so you know your money is building wealth in a harm reductive way that aligns with your values

PASSIVE - so you don’t have to spend hours or days looking after your wealth, and trust you’re on the path to hit your goals (you only need to spend a few hours a year checking in on your investments once you’ve got everything set up)

LONG TERM - so you aren’t caught in the latest trends and know that you’re building lasting wealth using proven methods + processes

financial education

What makes wealth mentorship different?


a hyper personalised how to manual

01/ Get a Financial Education and Build Your Confidence

I believe learning how investing really works is a worthwhile investment of your time and energy rather than just outsourcing it all and still feeling unsure if your money is really working for you.

02/ Have an Expert that Understands Complex Financial Situations

I often work with clients with complex financial lives. I personally have to manage my money across two different countries and although I have tax advisors in each country I get advice from, it can be difficult to find a professional who really understands how to manage everything - especially if you might want to bring things like investment property into the mix.

03/ Work with someone with the financial qualifications AND the lived experience

I have a Diploma in Financial Advice from the London Institute of Banking and Finance although this work does not come under the remit of financial advice as it is about you making your own decisions.

My background is not in the financial industry - I am someone just like you who decided to figure it out and get financially confident in making my own decisions.

03/ Access to a Certified Coach

More money means more options and as an ICF trained coach I believe having someone asking the right questions means you can make sure you are using and investing your money in the best possible ways for you, your life and your dreams.

You can use our work together to complement working with a financial professional or to be able to DIY your own investments.



  • x1 two hour kick off strategy call where we look at your numbers, set your top financial goals for the next 60 days and make a weekly plan to get there

  • x4 followed by a 60 min call every week so you have accountability as you take action and build upon your understanding of financial strategies and a space to learn more , ask questions and remove doubts

  • x1 final ninety min call to make sure you’re clear on your future forecasts and your wealth dashboard is up and running

  • We meet on zoom and communicate between sessions via voxer, a messaging app, or email

  • You can ask me as many questions as you need to in between sessions

  • You get access to all of my planning spreadsheets which cover net worth, investment property and future forecasting.

  • I will recommend books, podcasts and direct you to any other learning resources based on your unique needs as we go through the four months together

  • You will receive access to Money Vault - my saver to investor pre recorded course so you can watch explainer videos on investing the stock market so you can build your financial education and get support outside of calls if you need them

    Including lessons on….

    • Choosing your platform

    • What to look where for choosing a fund

    • Setting up the right account

this is for you if…

01/ You want to learn how to manage your own investments without having to sift through all the jargon filled information online.

02/ You want to get your money growing and working for you so you don't have the fear you're depleting it whenever you make a transfer out of your savings.

03/ You want a supportive and non-judgmental space to learn in where there is no such thing as a silly question (trust me - I've asked them!)


01/ You have less than £30k in savings. In that case Money Vault would be a better option for you to learn from

02/ You don’t want to learn and just want someone to manage your accounts

03/ You need to use your cash in the next five years in which case investing wouldn’t be right for you as it is a long term strategy


  • Yes - although I won't be able to guide you on your specific country the general principles of investing you will learn in our time together are going to benefit you and give you the confidence needed to navigate any international decisions that need to be made.

    Often clients come to me needing to learn how to manage their investments themselves due to living across different countries.

    Please note if you are a US citizen you have an extremely different system to navigate which I am not an expert in so might not be the support you need.

    I have mainly worked with British nationals living in Europe and vice versa.

  • Yes - I have three investment properties that I manage and have worked with clients in the past who wanted to invest in property. You can learn how to assess properties and run the numbers, how to use leverage and mortgages and how to forecast the finances for the property in the long term.

  • I suggest you have over £30k in savings as if you have over £30k and get that money making an 8% return for you you will have repaid the investment in this service in just one year (but it will grow exponentially for you after that point). I care about your ROI and this being an excellent investment too!

    I have worked 1:1 with people anywhere from the six, mukti six and seven figure mark to invest too.

    If you have less than £30k to invest I suggest getting started with Money Vault and learning about investing in the stock market.

  • My approach encompasses the emotional, practical, and spiritual relationship we have with money. I am able to meet you with where you are at, help you reverse engineer your goals, ask expansive questions, encourage you to use money to build your ideal life and ideal day and share knowledge and contacts you may need.

    Let’s have a call to see if it’s a good match and I can help you decide if it’s right or point you towards another best next step for you.


  • No. I work as a financial mentor and educator so that you can be informed and educated about your options in regards to making your own financial decisions. This is an important part of building your wealth, and I believe it to be a must even when working with a financial advisor.

    I offer a unique perspective as someone with the lived experience of managing a large amount of assets, and although I am a qualified financial advisor I am not practicing in that capacity.

    Financial advisors tell you EXACTLY what to invest in - I help you understand how to make those decisions for yourself.

    Financial advisors often charge a % fee on all investments they manage on your behalf which depending on the size of your investments can result in you be hundreds of thousands of pounds worse off in the long run due to compounding.

    I prefer to operate in this fixed, one time fee way.

  • Of course – send me an email hannah@whatiswealth.io



Excellent - I'm so excited you think this might be for you.

The first step is to book in for a call together at https://calendly.com/hannahmayfield/30-min

On this no-pressure call I’ll get to know you and your current financial situation, and I’ll tell you how the Wealth Mentorship will be able to help you hit your financial goals. You’ll be able to ask any questions and we can decide together if this will be a great fit.